Mission Statement

“Empowering Conscious Commerce for a Harmonious World”

At Right Livelihood Enterprises, we embrace the principles of Buddhist wisdom to guide our business practices. Our mission is to create a thriving online platform that offers products and services while adhering to the following core values:

  1. Right Livelihood: We recognize that our livelihood should align with ethical conduct. Our commitment is to engage in business activities that do no harm to others, uphold honesty, and promote well-being.
  2. Compassion and Kindness: We treat our customers, partners, and employees with compassion and kindness. Every transaction is an opportunity to spread positive energy and contribute to a more interconnected world.
  3. Sustainability: We prioritize sustainable practices in sourcing, production, and distribution. Our products and services are chosen mindfully, considering their impact on the environment and society.
  4. Fair Trade: We support fair trade principles, ensuring that artisans, creators, and workers receive just compensation for their contributions. By valuing their skills and labor, we foster a more equitable global economy.
  5. Mindful Consumption: We encourage conscious consumer choices. Our offerings are curated to enhance well-being, inspire mindfulness, and promote a sense of purpose.
  6. Community Building: We view our platform as a community hub. Through educational content, workshops, and partnerships, we aim to empower individuals to make informed decisions aligned with their values.
  7. Transparency: We believe in transparency as a cornerstone of trust. Our customers deserve to know the origins, processes, and impact of the products and services they choose.
  8. Lawful Buddhist Professions: Our commitment extends to engaging only in lawful professions that align with Buddhist ethics. We avoid activities that harm others or violate ethical norms.

Join us on this journey toward a more compassionate, sustainable, and interconnected world. Together, we can create positive ripples that extend far beyond our digital storefront.